I am designing a lesson that will have my students build their own bridge. I was given a suggestion to use a program that the students could use to draw the bridge. Google to the rescue again. It seems to be a powerful tool and a free version is available for educators.
Plan to use this for my Lesson design for 6341
I hope you will post a few of the student's final projects. It would be helpful to see how Google SketchUp can be utilized in classroom.
I will try.. I been playing with it but I do not have the talent to make anything close to resemble a bridge lol
That is cool Rogelio. Hope to see some end products.
That sounds like a great tool, I'd like to see some of the end results if you can post them inside your blog.
This sounds like a really interesting program. It looks almost like a CAD program. I'd love to see some of the examples that your students produce.
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